4โ€  Simhamukha Jogini Statue

4โ€ Simhamukha Jogini Statue



This is machine made, silver-electroplated, copper statue.

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8 Items

$ 36.00

  • Name

    4 โ€ย Simhamukha Joginiย Statue โ€“Electro Plated








    Copper, Silver Electro Plated


    0.156ย kgย 

    Ships From

    Patan, Nepal

    Shipping Option

    Express: Usually ships within 48 hours. Allow 5-7ย ย business days for delivery worldwide.

    Economy: Usually ships within 48 hours. Allow 20-30 business days for delivery worldwide.


    Insurance is included in the shipping cost.



    Simha Mukhi Jogini(Yogini) Dakini - Retinue of Four Deities


    Simhamukhi, Dakini (in Tibetan: Seng Ge Dong Chen Kha Dro Ma and in English: Lion Faced Dakini). With a body black in colour, the face is that of a white lion, with three round yellow eyes, blazing fiercely with a gaping mouth, a yellow beard, eyebrows and hair flowing upward. The right hand holds upraised a curved knife which is called Kartika to the sky, left hand holds a skullcup of blood to the heart, carrying a khatvanga staff tipped with a trident in the bend of the elbow supported against the shoulder. Adorned with a tiara of five skulls, red scarf, elephant skin, bone ornaments, a long snake and fifty freshly severed heads as a necklace, she wears a tiger skin skirt. Standing on the left leg with the right drawn up, trampling on a double triangle symbol, corpse, sun and multi-coloured lotus seat, Simhamukha in a mood of great fierceness dwells in the middle of a blazing fire of pristine awareness.


    Gestures and Attributes


    Simha Mukhi Jogini appears in a form wrathful, feminine and demonic; indeed, her form is said to be actually that of a Matrikia or Mamo, not because her nature is evil or demonic but because her wrathful aspect (khro gzugs) skillfully overcomes and subdues those violent negative energies. Simha Mukhi is a Jnana Dakini or wisdom goddess. According to Jigmed Lingpa (1726-1798), the famous Nyingmapa master and discoverer of hidden treasure texts or Termas, Simha Mukhi represents a Nirmanakaya manifestation, appearing in time and history, whereas her Sambhogakaya aspect is Vajravarahi and her Dharmakaya aspect is Samantabhadri, the Primordialย  Wisdom herself.

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     4โ€  Simhamukha Jogini Statue

    4โ€ Simhamukha Jogini Statue

    This is machine made, silver-electroplated, copper statue.

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